Thursday, 1 January 2015

Happy New Year! My Resolutions.

2015! Wow how fast it has come around.

This post is going to be a brief post about my goals in 2015 and how to make it even better than 2014.

2014 was a great year for me, and also the worst. I found some really great friends and my boyfriend, Isaac. As well as making new friends, I lost great friends too. But all I wish for in this new year are friends, family and my beautiful boyfriend.

My resolutions?

- Keep fit. I have been lacking in exercise for a long time now and have been eating more than I should, so maintaining a healthy balanced diet and moderate exercise is something I aim to do- and something I am persistent to succeed in. I am going to create a schedule and everything! So get ready for some fitness posts!

- Pass my A-Levels with high grades and get into the University I want.

- Grow my nails. This is something I said I would do about 6 months ago. I did really well, but when I am stressed I tend to bite them which isn't good, so as well as growing my nails, I think I'll try some de-stress techniques too.

- Do as much things as you could possibly do. I have got some things already planned like going on holiday with my boyfriend, we are going to Spain in July, and wish to go in March also (on the Easter break)... I would also love to go back to London in December again because it is so magical. But yeah, just do as much things as I can. I want to experience more.

- Get another job... This is something I have wanted to do for a while too but I am not sure if I can manage it with college etc but I'll figure something.

- Keep doing this blog, I truly love writing posts and sharing with people who read. It means a lot to me if even one person reads my posts.

What are your resolutions?

Thanks for reading and happy new year, wishing you a delightful 2015. x

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